• Collection is on Friday’s, Borough-wide
  • Have Trash and Recyclables within 5 feet of the curb by 5:00 a.m. but not more than 24 hours in advance of the scheduled time for collection
  • Do not place your items for pick-up in the right of way
  • Containers must be picked up no more than 24 hours after collection

Trash and Recycling should be stored in containers which shall prohibit the contents from being scattered by wind and rain and shall prohibit accessibility by rodents or other vermin.


  • If a holiday falls Monday – Friday, trash pickup could possibly be changed to  Saturday.  Check the calendar for any changes made to trash pick up.
  • Have Trash, Recycling and LEAF/YARD WASTE bags out Friday night (hauler can start anytime after midnight).

$292/yr, billed quarterly with water bill
THREE (3) 32 gallon bags or (3) 32 gallon cans (30 lb max) of trash per week, per household
If you use trash bags that hold less than 32 gallons, put the small bags inside a 32-gallon trash bag or can.
**Ashes should be put in a separate container.

If you have more than your three bag limit, you may purchase tags at the Borough Office @ $1.25 each. There is no limit to the amount of extra bags with tags.

Recyclable materials will be picked up each week on the same day that trash is collected. Your are required in the Borough to recycle the following items known as the “Big 4” :

Corrugated Cardboard – includes packing and shipping boxes
Plastic Bottles & Jugs with a neck only (no lids)
Metal Food & Beverage Cans – aluminum or tin
Glass Bottles & Jars – clear, green and brown

Tips to Recycle Right

  • Remove lids
  • NO plastic bags
  • Items must be emptied and rinsed out
  • No other materials than listed should be put into the bin for collection
  • Flatten cardboard – for larger sized/amounts of cardboard there are (2) dumpsters at the Community Center parking lot for residents to use
  • When in doubt, throw it out and your trash will made into renewable energy for your community!
Frequently asked questions about the changes to recycling.

Frequently asked questions about changes to recycling video

******This list was revised in accordance with LCSWMA new revisions put into place July, 2018********

The Borough is Single-Stream recycling which means all recyclable items are mixed together in the recycle bin.  They are later separated at a materials recovery facility http://www.pennwaste.com/recycling/recycling-facility-tour/

Recycling in the Borough is unlimited.  You can put out as many bins as needed.

If you need a new or additional recycle bin they can purchased at the Borough office for $13.00.

The recycling drop-off center located at 850 New Holland Avenue will accept office paper, chipboard, magazines and catalogs, newsprint, phone books, hard and soft cover books  http://cityoflancasterpa.com/resident/recycling-center

Grass clippings and yard waste will be picked up bi-weekly during regular trash collection, April 4 through October 17. Yard waste bags are .55 each. Grass clippings must be placed in yard waste bags along with a grass tag purchased at the Borough office and not mixed with other trash. There is no limit to the number of bags put at the curb. Grass Tags are $2.00 each.

Brush and limbs must be tied in bundles no longer than 4 feet and no heavier than 30 lbs. Please keep your Grass Clippings/Yard Waste set back away from your trash.

Leaves must be placed in yard waste/leaf bags available at the Borough office .55 each.  Leaves should not be mixed with other yard waste. Bags must be placed on the curb the night before the day of your scheduled leaf collection,  check the website calendar for dates. They are also in your Borough calendars.

Cardboard Dumpster (for resident’s use only)  located at the Community Center parking lot on Pine Street.  This dumpster is for corrugated cardboard only. DO NOT USE THEM FOR YOUR TRASH.

Materials Should be bundled, or small pieces placed in yard waste bags, no heavier than 30 lbs.

Each year Boy Scout Troop 33 has a ‘Christmas Tree Chipping’ event at the East Petersburg Community Park parking lot (6051 Pine Street). Look for the date and time on the calendar. Donations are requested. You can register for tree pick-up at the Borough office (you will receive a tag).

If you decide to have the hauler remove your tree you must get a $5.00 tag at the Borough office.

Oversized refuse items, or those items that will not fit into a trash container will be picked up each week during regular trash collection. Examples of oversized refuse items are: push mowers (with gas and oil removed), furniture, carpet (cut down to 4 ft. in height), box spring, mattress, charcoal grills, gas grills (without propane tank),  storm doors,and  treadmills. Tires are not considered oversized items and may not be left for collection on a weekly basis. No more than two oversized items will be picked up at any one residence each week. All oversized refuse items must be marked with an oversize trash tag. Tags should be attached securely and in a place clearly visible to the trash hauler. Oversized item tags can be purchased at the Borough Office @ $5.00 each.

Large appliances – washing machines, dryers, dishwashers, freezers, refrigerators, stoves, hot water heaters, air conditioners, furnaces, dehumidifiers, etc. (riding mowers are NOT considered a large appliance). These items will be picked up twice a year. You can find the dates on the Borough calendar and on the website.  All large appliances put out for collection must be marked with a large appliance tag; tires must be marked with a tire tag. Tags should be attached securely and in a place clearly visible to the trash hauler. These tags can be purchased at the Borough Office.
Large appliance tags- $19.00 each, Tire tags- $5.00 each.

Each Person who owns or occupies a Commercial property is REQUIRED to RECYCLE  the following Recyclable Materials:

Corrugated Cardboard – includes packing and shipping boxes
Plastic Bottles & Jugs with a neck #1 & #2 only
Metal Food & Beverage Cans – aluminum or tin
Glass Bottles & Jars – clear, green and brown

White goods and tires are also required to be recycled.

Each Person who owns a commercial property that does not receive services under the Municipal Contract are encouraged to:

  • Provide Recycling Containers at easily accessible locations for Designated Recyclable Materials.
  • Provide written instructions to all Persons working at commercial property to ensure that all Designated Recyclable Materials are to be recycled.
  • Provide collection and delivery of Recyclable Materials at a frequency of not less than twice per month

Lancaster City opens Recycling Drop-Off Center. Open to all City and County residents! 850 New Holland Avenue.

Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority

  • Most communities now require participation in recycling programs
  • Homeowners have learned that they should not throw household chemicals in the trash
  • Lancaster County has an integrated waste disposal system

An integrated system means that the Lancaster County Solid Waste Management Authority manages a system that employs multiple methods of trash disposal and processing:

  • Recycling programs—this includes a household hazardous waste facility
  • Incineration of trash in a Resource Recovery Facility
  • Disposal of waste that can’t be incinerated in a landfill

Household Hazardous Waste Facility:
Many materials used in the home, garage and garden are considered household hazardous waste and should not be thrown into your trash. They can cause serious safety and health problems in transportation or in disposal facilities. Wastes that you shouldn’t throw in your trash include:

  • E-waste
  • Transmission & brake fluids, antifreeze, used oil & batteries
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Household cleansers
  • Floor & furniture polish
  • Paint, stains, turpentine, thinners, rust inhibitors
  • Pesticides, herbicides, insecticides
  • Adhesives
  • Kerosene
  • Old chemistry sets
  • Photographic & pool chemicals
  • Mercury-containing devices
  • Fluorescent Bulbs
  • Construction/Demolition Waste

If you have any questions regarding other materials LCSWMA accepts at the transfer station you can contact them at 397-9968 or check their website http://www.lcswma.org

If your trash has not been picked up by 12:00 p.m on your scheduled trash day and you think you have been missed, call the Borough office 569-9282.


great american clean up
Follow the link to find out how your community and civic association, schools and youth groups, families and friends, business employees, hunting and fishing clubs, conservation organizations, sports teams, and others can organize their members and participate in the Great American Cleanup of PA.