The Society was established in 1976. The purpose of the society is to preserve memorabilia from East Petersburg’s past, and to make it available for the education of residents of the community. Community members are asked to help by donating journals, letters, relics, or any other materials, which enable the society to preserve the history of East Petersburg. The monthly meetings are held the first Monday of the month (March, April, May, June, and October) at the East Petersburg Community Center, 6051 Pine Street beginning at 7:00 PM, the public is invited to attend and participate. Program topics are usually related to East Petersburg history, but occasionally venture to topics outside of the borough.
In 1994, the society purchased the Daniel Wolf house, located at the corner of State and Lemon Streets. Rehabilitation of the property is funded by donations from individuals and by fundraisers.
The Daniel Wolf House is open for tours and business including the “gift shop”, the first Saturday of each month (throughout the year) from 9:00 a.m. until 12 noon. We have for sale wooden replicas of East Petersburg buildings, Dorothy Hollinger prints, crocks, stationary, afghans, plus other gift ideas.
The membership fee is $15.00 per year. If you would like to become a member or have any questions you can contact the borough office 717-569-9282.
East Petersburg Historical Society Facebook page
East Petersburg Historical Society Website
East Petersburg Borough Walking Tour Brochure
Samuel Maurer IV – President
Galen Greenly – Vice-President
Rick Brouse – Secretary
Michelle Greenly – Treasurer